Contact Us Today! (704) 671-2484

Gastonia, NC
CLKCA Knit Rags Unlimited Inc

Knit Rags - Assorted Colors - CLKCA

To place an order, please either email or call 704-671-2484

Knit - Assorted Colors - CLKCASpecifics:

Part No. CLKCA

Cloth - Colored Knit - New
Pre-Washed - Absorbent
Disposable Cloth Rag
Cotton & Blends
Knits, Various Types

Random Lengths (Approx 16” x 20”) 

Can Purchase as follows:

12" Cube Box - approximately 8 lbs

20" Cube Box - approximately 39-40 lbs

Knit - Assorted Colors - CLKCA: See Product Details Tab Below


Product Sizes
Shipping Weight Part Number UPC
 12" Cube  8 lbs  CLKCA10  741436-00014
 20" Cube  40 lbs ea  CLKCA50  741436-00015
- Absorbent
- Low Bleeding


- Absorbs Grease
- Automotive repair
- Construction
- Dirt
- Dust
- Industrial environment
- Manufacturing
- Non Food Industries
- Oil
- Production Jobs
- Service Repairs
- Warehouses
- Water based chemicals and cleaners
- Assorted

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